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Moments in the Meadow--There's Dirt Behind the Refrigerator (part 2)

Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart, O God:

and renew a right spirit within me.

Alrighty now! Let's get down to the nitty gritty.

And.....we're going in---TOGETHER! While we each have to deal with our own "dirt", collectively, we can be doing it at the same time. This job needs a support system. Knowing there are others behind their own refrigerators gives us strength to eradicate this nastiness.

#1: Recognize the Dirt: Psalm 51:10

Admit it----We aren't perfect. (news flash!) Each of us have areas in our heart that have been dirtied by sin. Usually, these dirty areas are in hard to reach areas, behind something, that no one else sees.

Just as the Psalmist did in this verse, we have to recognize the unclean heart, realize and repent of it and ask for that renewed spirit inside of us. You've recognized the need to clean. Now, take a deep breath, and purpose in your heart to clean it up. Just like cleaning behind your fridge, typically, the dread is much worse than the actual job. Dirt that piles up behind your refrigerator will hinder its optimal performance. The same issue applies to your spiritual performance. Unconfessed and unrepented sin will hinder God's optimal performance in and through you.

The word create carries with it the thought of making, forming, or fashioning something. Dear sweet Christian, only The God who formed and fashioned you can change a heart. Give Him your heart. You can trust Him. God doesn't sweep out the dirt. OHHHH NO!! He scours it and creates, forms and fashions it anew. Wow! Wow! What a reality! Only our personal, loving God can do that.

The word renew means to make as new--like when it was first created. Look at your spirit. Is it like it was when you were first born in the family of God? Is it still excited to be free from the bonds of sin. As the hymn says, "my chains fell off... I rose, went forth and followed Thee." Follow Him dear one. He leads beside still waters. He restores your very soul. His infusion of B12 vitamins gives you not only the energy but the desire to go keep going.

God can, will and wants to renew and clean you. He created you to bring honor and glory to Him. (Revelation 4:11) You feel you're too far gone? You feel you've sunk too deep? That is what evil wants you to believe. Let's take a break from our task and look at a lady who had a lot of dirt behind her refrigerator. Ponder and meditate on the difference The Master made in her life...............

© 2016 by The Daisy Pot

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