Moments in the Meadow (Tending His Wounded Sheep)
SOMETIMES---in this journey of life, a wolf comes to threaten The Good Shepherd's sheep. This is a recalling of one of those times.
...for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13:5
Every friend I had has walked away. They've either been deceived by the gossip floating on malicious clouds or their very livelihood has been threatened.
The reason doesn't matter.
I'm still alone.
We have social leprosy.
My family is gravely wounded. Eyes glazed, life's spirit flowing out, and shock setting in, we stumble through each day, one step at a time. One minute at a time.
Mindlessly, I reach down to touch my tickling arm. It's just a falling tear. Before I can wipe it dry, another joins it. Somewhere, I remember God bottles them. Maybe Someone notices my world has completely fallen apart.
Evil slithers around my mind and reminds me of the barren friend circle surrounding me. I'm down for the count. 10-9-8-- His spike covered shoe digs in my back as his hands raise in victory of my defeat. 7---6---5--- I am no match for this formidable foe. 4---3--- I CAN'T BREATHE!!! I HAVE NO DESIRE TO BREATHE! GOD SAVE ME, PLEASE!!--- Immediately, out of nowhere, a strong Hand clasps over evil's victorious wave. As I watch evil tossed to the side, I am wrapped in Strength, Love and Compassion. My weary soul is enveloped by His heart and once again, I move to wipe that all familiar tear tickle on my arm. These tears don't belong to me. As I look into the face of Comfort itself, his rivulet of tears washes over me. Pain and humiliation flow out on the current and peace, comfort and love flood in.
He whispers sweet peace to me. Affirmations of His constant support and Omniscience are faithfully whispered into my soul.
Snubbing from the emotion of it all, I am held. My hair is stroked, I am hugged in arms of grace and mercy.
Evil has done his best to make me believe I'm alone. His attacks are more effective that way. I am NOT alone. As His child, I have never been alone. The King of the Universe, my Abba Father, reminds me once more...I AM HIS!
***Dear sweet wounded sheep,
You are NOT alone. Your Shepherd is there. Do not believe evil's terrifying screeches. They can only be quenched by THE Still Small Voice of the One who loves you. You don't need long dissertations on the rope of Biblical theology. Nope---just hold on to the knot and remember this--You are loved.
You are precious.
You are prayed for.
This is probably one of the hardest posts I've written. I feel God has asked me to share this hard past experience because there are many in this broken and wounded flock. Yes--it hurt! So much more than the mere English language can portray. However, the sweetness of the intimacy between my Father and me became as sweet as the wounds were deep.
As the words appeared on the page, breathing rapidly increased, tears threatened (again), and the pain of stepping on that spiritual IED resurfaced. Every scar became sore as I glazed over the painful memories of that time. However, there are many struggling, wounded sheep around us and I felt led to share this horrific time in our Christian , church going life.
If you aren't one of the sheep in the valley, try to be aware and compassionate to those around you. God guided us to a church that served as a hospital. We were in ICU for a while. Gradually through the Godly love and busyness of that church, we were moved to a "regular room" in the hospital and even had months of bus ministry, ladies ministry, etc "physical therapy". As God would have it, we've left the "hospital" and are serving in another local church with a fresher, deeper compassion for the hurting.
If you are one of the sheep, wounded, broken and bleeding from evil's attacks---just focus on breathing. Help is on the way. Don't give up. Do as Peter did when he started sinking and cry out. Stretch out your hand, God is there. Ask God to carry you to the church-hospital equipped with the nurses and doctors who are specialists in this area.
Always remember...HE hath said, I will NEVER leave thee nor forsake thee.
Joyfully His forever and always,